Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fisking the M.O.B. Idiot

Whether you are homo or hetero, we all have the same rights.


Now, Seeueentee, get back to your carpet.

It continues to be a standing challenge yet no one can dispute this FACT: We all have the same rights!  Period.
Wanna bet? Then put your money where your mouth is or just STFU.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Liberal Fascism & Democrats & Tyranny

The fact is that this tyrannical ideology is the foundation of Seeuuentee and Peevee on PenisBlog:

"I applaud Mayor Bloomberg for trying to come up with solutions for our health care cost problems and for taking on the issues of public health in the proper ways in which civil government should act in response to those health problems, those problems are more than just an individual choice issue."

Wow, this bitch truly opposes freedom and liberty!